How Can I Build Backlinks To My Local Business Website? Best Tips

Backlinks play a major role in local SEO. Since there is not much competition, sometimes even generic backlinks from social media or blogging platforms works fine.

Backlinks play a major role in local SEO. Since there is not much competition, sometimes even generic backlinks from social media or blogging platforms works fine. But, for high competition localities like metro cities and big towns, you need to create a good content strategy and then backlink from high authority websites.

Our agency did a lot of projects for local SEO and everytime we noticed that generic backlinks worked fine. These backlinks are from social media websites, business listing websites, blogging platforms and similar other websites.

Some of local SEO backlinking ideas are:

  1. Medium
  2. Pinterest
  3. Low DA Websites
  4. Wikipedia
  5. Facebook
  6. Quora

Just remember to keep a non-consistent approach, i.e, create backlinks with different variations of the same anchor text. For example, if your website is related to “mattresses“, keep anchor texts as:

  • Soft mattress
  • Cotton mattress
  • Good mattress
  • Mattress

Further, wherever possible use a mixture of do-follow and no-follow backlinks.

Note: If your backlink profile looks suspicious, i.e., all the links are created in a short period of time, or all links have the same anchor texts, your chances of getting punished by Google increases by several folds.

Our Successful Case Study

In January 2023, we helped a website for “chhenapoda” within Mumbai. All it required to rank on #2 was:

  1. Some PBN backlinks from our own websites
  2. Pinterest backlinks
  3. H2 modifications in the product page
  4. Image with Alt Texts
  5. Wikipedia backlinks

Full Article: Ranking on Google Page 1: Case Study of Sparkling Canvas

Backlinks for High Competition localities like metropolitan cities and large industrial towns need to follow the same steps as in typical SEO.

Here, backlinks are created once a well designed content strategy is executed. The backlinks have a focus where they are attached to articles that revolve around the topic for which you wish to rank.

For example, let us say that you wish to rank for “management books” in local SEO.

  1. At first you need a page which contains all the details about management books and also has a store attached to that page.
  2. Then for each book, there has to be a separate page created.
  3. All these pages will contain internal links to the main page “management books”.
  4. There has also to be a list of supportive pages which will exchange links with the main page as well as all the books page.
  5. Then backlinks can be attached to all pages. Doing this all the link juice will end up in the priority page i.e., “management books” and soon you will find you are ranking for the term.

However, before doing anything make sure what your competition does. The more rarely they invest in SEO, the easier it would be for you to rank.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can local businesses benefit from backlinks? How?

Backlinks are very essential to rank on Google. They act as a system of trust transfer. More the number of backlinks from high quality sources, the more would Google prefer your website to rank. Backlinks are a part of Google’s EEAT necessities.

How to get do-follow backlinks?

You can only ask the person who is responsible for posting on the website. Whether they give do follow or no follow backlink, depends on their choice.

What is the best way to build backlinks?

The best way to build backlinks is to do nothing. Just create content so good that people automatically link to it. This method is slower but also the most effective.

How can I rank my blog without a backlink?

The most straightforward way is to create content (that satisfies Google) and hope someone notices and links to it.

However, that seldomly works.

At Ingeniare AI, we use an advanced method to rank articles through PR which attracts quality backlinks as well as traffic.

Is Quora good to build backlinks?

Yes, Quora is a good place to build backlinks but those backlinks would only matter if the question has a decent traffic. This is unique to Quora.

Dhirendra Chandra Das
Dhirendra Chandra Das

Dhirendra has over 4 years of experience in Digital Marketing with an ability to quickly gain organic traffic through Google. With an MBA in Marketing, his approach combines the best of theoretical and practical marketing knowledge.

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