A lot of businesses sell on Amazon and rely on its rankings to make a sale. Search rankings matter a lot to them. An easy way to get higher rankings on Amazon is to know how many people are searching for your product and how you can satisfy those search queries.
In this article, I will explain you how SEO for Amazon can help you get better product rankings and hence make better sales. I will also list a sample product and explain SEO in each step of product listing.
Table of Contents
Does SEO work in Amazon?
Yes, SEO is the net sum of all efforts that help a website rank better for any search engine. SEO works fine on all search engines be it Bing, Baidu, Google and Yahoo. A recent data leak from Yandex showed us that the search engine relied on close to 2000 odd factors to determine website ranking.
Amazon SEO too works in a similar way as other search engines, albeit not as strict as Google.
To understand better what matters the most in Amazon’s SEO optimization let us understand what are its priorities and how you can fulfil them.
After all, SEO is the art of giving searchers the information they want through search engines.
How to Ensure Searcher Satisfaction in Amazon?
To rank better on Amazon or any search engine, make sure that you fill all the details about your product is a very organized and easy to understand manner.
Amazon requires a seller to fill the following 4 pages to list any product.
- Product Identity
- Description
- Product Details
- Offer
These details are used as a basis for your product’s rankings on Amazon. So when, you are listing any product, make sure you take care of the following things when filling in details.
We have divided our approach into 4 steps where each step is related to a specific product details page on Amazon.
Keyword Research For Amazon
Keyword research is very important to understand how many people are searching for your product online. For Amazon, you can use a free keyword research tool, Ahrefs Keyword Generator.
Below is a sample search result for the term “Rudraksha Mala” on Ahrefs for Amazon.

1. SEO for The Product Identity Page
In the product identity page, include the keyword. For example if your product is around “Rudraksha”, make sure to include its name in a concise but fully understandable manner.
Below is a screenshot of the Product Identity Page. Note that in the title section, I have mentioned the product as ” 5 Mukhi Rudraksha” and not panch mukhi, or 5 face rudraksha. This is because the human mind reads number much faster and helps catch attention. In SEO Titles, we always use numbers wherever possible.

Tips for Product Identity Page
- In the title field, use a headline analyzer tool like Capitalize my title to make sure your title is attractive, easy to understand and provides complete information.
- Use core keyword only once. If you are selling mobile covers, a good choice could be “5 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala for Men and Women”. In this example, this detail will help searchers understand that the product is unisexual.
2. SEO for The Description Page
This is an important page which can make or break your rankings. Take care of the following SEO points while filling this page. There is a character limit of 2000, which roughly translates to 300 words (6 chars. per word).
- Use the keyword (for example mobile covers) only once per 25 words (below 5% keyword density). This ensures that your product not only meets Amazon standards but also gets traffic from Google.
- In the second field, include as many bullet points as required (typically 4-5), but be concise and don’t miss any critical detail. You can observe a filled-up sample form below.

You can observe that I have added the product name in the beginning which is a usual SEO suggestion. In the description, I have used the term once more but within the 5% of the total number of words.
I felt that my product needs only two bullet points, so I have added them. The need of bullet points is to present a structured schema to Amazon and Google. Structured schemas help search engines know what type of text is present in which part of the page.
This helps them understand the page better and present it to searchers which helps rank your product faster.
Tips for Description Page
- Maintain keyword limit as 5% of the size of the total description.
- Include bullet points to summarize description.
3. The Product Details Page
The Product Details page requires you to fill some details about the product. It gives options to fill only required details, recommended details or all details. It is preferable from a SEO perspective that you fill all details. It will add more knowledge about your product which is always better.

Tips for Product Details Page
- Fill it with a customer centric view in mind.
4. The Offer Page
The final page is the offer page which helps you create offers for your products to attract more customers. It has little to no impact on SEO.
Tips for Offer Page
- Add an offer which is better than your competitors.