Why is Advertising on Search Engines so Effective?

Advertising on search engines is so effective because those are people who either want to buy or are interested in a certain product or service.

Advertising on search engines is so effective because those are people who either want to buy or are interested in a certain product or service. Such users are just looking for a either a little bit more information or just a good deal to buy.

Typically there are four parts of a sales funnel:

  1. Awareness, where a person is made aware of the product or service.
  2. Interest, where the person feels interested but has not yet decided to buy.
  3. Decision, where the person feels that their needs or wants can be satisfied with the product or service.
  4. Action, where finally they decide to buy.
Sales Funnel by Salesforce
Sales Funnel by Mention.com

Why Does a Search Engine User Easily Converts

A user searching for information already knows about the product and is interested. Such a user is lot more easier to convert than someone who does not even know about what you are selling.

In my experience, a successful sales is what when a user believes in you, your company and your product. Considering this, a search engine user already knows about the product and the company, which gets 67% of the job already done.

Next, you just need more information and a good deal.

This is where SEO comes in.

SEO helps in creating pages and articles that provide comprehensive information on a topic.

The final part of the sales funnel, i.e., buying, happens through discounts, good after sales service, personalized recommendations, peer reviews, etc.

Also Read: Why is SEO Important for Business? 10 Reasons

Dhirendra Chandra Das
Dhirendra Chandra Das

Dhirendra has over 4 years of experience in Digital Marketing with an ability to quickly gain organic traffic through Google. With an MBA in Marketing, his approach combines the best of theoretical and practical marketing knowledge.

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